Probate Attorney Clearwater
Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is a Wills and Trusts Attorney in Clearwater, Florida with more than 19 years of legal experience. Aga can assist you with these and other questions pertaining to Probate. For a FREE consultation regarding Probate assistance please call:
Probate – Questions and Answers
Probate Questions
What is Probate?
What are Probate proceedings?
How lengthy are Probate proceedings?
Are Probate proceedings very expensive?
The duration of legal Probate proceedings depend on how many factors?
Is it true that if you have to go through Probate it may take up to a few years to administer someone’s estate?
During Probate proceedings are the decedent’s assets “locked” in the court proceedings and unavailable to heirs and/or beneficiaries?
Is it true that the typical costs of probate proceedings may be as high as several percent of the estate’s value?
Are probate proceedings public record?
Is it true that there is no privacy assured when your estate goes through probate?
Is it possible to avoid probate?
How can I plan ahead in order to avoid probate?
If the deceased left no will or trust and there are assets to be probated, must the estate of the decedent be distributed pursuant to probate law?
If there is no will or trust are the decedent’s assets used to pay the costs of probate proceedings?
If there is no will or trust are the decedent’s assets used to pay the decedent’s debts during the probate proceedings?
If there is no will or trust how much of the decedent’s assets will be left to be distributed to the decedent’s beneficiaries after the Probate proceedings?
How many types of probate proceedings are there in Florida?
Will a “Formal Administration” be filed if the estate subject to probate administration exceeds $75,000?
Will a “Formal Administration” be filed if it is necessary to appoint a representative to administer the estate subject to probate administration?
Is a “Summary Administration” filed when the value of the entire estate subject to probate administration does not exceed $75,000?
Can a “Summary Administration” be filed when the value of the entire estate subject to probate administration does not exceed $75,000 and the appointment of a personal representative is not necessary?
Are there non-court supervised Probate administration proceeding?
Is there a “Disposition of Personal Property Without Administration”?
Is there a type of probate administration that may be filed via informal petition to request release of the decedent’s assets to reimburse the person who paid the final expenses such as e.g. funeral costs, medical bills etc.?
Probate Answers
Probate is a court-supervised legal process, through which the assets of a deceased person are identified and distributed to the heirs or beneficiaries under a will or, if there is no will, pursuant to Florida probate law. A will typically appoints a personal representative to administer the estate. If the deceased left no will and there are assets to be probated, the estate of the decedent must be distributed pursuant to probate law.
Generally, the decedent’s assets are identified and gathered and they are first used to pay the costs of probate proceedings, then to pay the decedent’s debts, and the remainder is distributed to the decedent’s beneficiaries.
There are two types of probate proceedings in Florida:
1. A “Formal Administration” is filed when there are assets exceeding $ 75,000 and/or when it is necessary to appoint a representative to administer the estate.
2. A “Summary Administration” is filed when the value of the entire estate subject to probate administration does not exceed $ 75,000 and the appointment of a personal representative is not necessary.
There is also a non-court supervised administration proceeding called “Disposition of Personal Property Without Administration”. This type of probate administration applies only to limited circumstances and may be filed via informal petition to request release of the decedent’s assets to reimburse the person who paid the final expenses such as e.g. funeral costs, medical bills etc.
Probate proceedings may be lengthy and very expensive. The duration of legal proceedings depends on many factors but in general it may take from a few months up to a few years to administer one’s estate. During this time the decedent’s assets remain “locked” in the court proceedings and unavailable to heirs and/or beneficiaries. The typical costs of probate proceedings may be as high as several percent of the estate’s value. Moreover, probate proceedings are public record, which means there is no privacy assured when your estate goes through probate. Therefore, it is important to plan ahead in order to avoid probate whenever possible.
Attorney Aga Piasecka can assist you in planning ahead in order to avoid probate. Aga offers FLAT RATES for trusts and FREE consultations regarding Probate and avoiding Probate matters. For a FREE consultation regarding your Probate needs please call:
Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka’s Client Reviews
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Agnieszka Piasecka’s Client Reviews:
Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka has an excellent reputation in Clearwater, Florida. As you can see by her reviews Aga Piasecka’s clients are consistently impressed by her performance in the courtroom and her knowledge of the law. Attorney Aga Piasecka also receives excellent reviews because of her honesty and ability to explain complex legal matters in a way that her clients can easily understand.
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About Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka
Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka is an Estate Planning, Wills and Trust, Lawyer in Clearwater, Florida with more than 19 years of experience. Aga speaks fluent Polish, Italian and English and is an Attorney in Florida and Poland. Attorney Aga Piasecka obtained her Juris Doctorate Cum Laude from Stetson University College of Law in Florida and her Masters Degree in Law with Honors from Jagiellonian University in Poland. She also studied International Law in Holland and worked in Italy where she learned to speak Italian fluently. Attorney Aga Piasecka is fluent in Polish, Italian and English and can assist you with all of your Probate needs in Clearwater, Florida.
Attorney Aga Piasecka’s Clearwater Law Office is conveniently located at 13575 58th Street North, Clearwater, Florida 33760