Agnieszka Piasecka, Wills and Trusts Attorney Clearwater, FL
13575 58th Street North Clearwater, Florida 33760
Real Estate Deeds in Clearwater, Florida
Real Estate Deeds in Clearwater, Florida
Quit Claim Deed
A quit claim deed transfers a grantor’s (owner’s) interest in a real property to a recipient, grantee. Sometimes, a quit claim deed is the easiest solution to transfer ownership interest between family members.
Lady Bird Deed
A Lady Bird Deed or an Enhanced Life Estate Deed is a type of deed that transfers the Grantor’s ownership interest after his or her death. This type of deed avoids probate and can protect you from Medicaid liens on your property.
Warranty Deed
A warranty deed is the type of deed that offers the greatest amount of protection from the owner, the Grantor, to the purchaser of a property, the Grantee. It guarantees that the owner owns the property free and clear of any title defects, including but not limited to unpaid liens, mortgages, encumbrances or other claims.
Special Warranty Deed
A special warranty deed is a type of deed, by which the owner of the property, the Grantor, warrants clear title only against anything that occurred during his or her physical ownership. This warranty does not cover any title defects that existed before they took possession of the property.
Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka offers FLAT RATES on the creation of Real Estate Deeds in Clearwater, Florida.
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